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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What's Up, Wednesday?

Hey, it's been a while.  Here's what's up:

First of all, I accepted a new job teaching second grade in the same district I currently work in.  To say I was excited is understating it.  On the heels of my elation came sheer terror, reminding me how long it's been since I've faced a big change.  I've taught second grade for 21 years but not at this school.

Change is good, though, and thanks to my husband and some kindness from a teacher at my new school, I've worked through my fear and am back to being happy.  Happy about the prospect of change -  It's a pretty good place to be.

Lots of summer things going on now that school is out, like picking strawberries...

More frequent trips to the library...

Chasing down our local ice cream truck...

Opening up our pool...

My peony bushes going crazy...

Dress rehearsals for the girl's dance recital...

...and Cubs baseball (more on that later!)

You'll hear no complaints from me.  We're in the zone right now.


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